On March 16th the BAC Green Team in Heist-op-den-Berg (Belgium) started with the creation of a biodiversity area on the company's grounds. The Green Team received practical assistance from Regionaal Landschap Rivierenland and support from Provincie Antwerpen, to design and landscape an enviroment-friendly area.
The green zone has a fruit orchard and in the near future a picnic space for BAC employees will be created. In a separate area the team planted some linden trees. Next to the existing parking lot a hedge row has been put up, and together with a revised moving policy this will provide a safe and secluded area for the insects, butterflies and bees.
This action was reported on in the Belgian press, read more in Dutch here: - Vergroening bedrijventerrein Heist-op-den-Berg (click on the link) - Werknemers Baltimore planten zelf bedrijfsterrein aan (click on the link)