To litter (verb): make a place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about.

Unfortunately this is something we encounter around the edges of our company grounds in Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium: cigarette stubs, gum, food wrappers, cans, bottles,...  In 2016 IOK Afvalbeheer (a governmental agency that regulates the waste treatment for 29 local municipalities in the area) initiated a clean-up-the-litter action. BAC liked this idea and - being the only company in the Heist industry zone to take part - send out its Green Team to take to the street with gloves and garbage bags to clean it all up.

On April 27th the second edition of this clean-up-action took place. This time some more companies in the local area joined the effort. They could come to the BAC reception to pick up there clean-up-packages, as we had been requested by IOK to take the lead here. The weather was not on our side that day, but the Green Team were not deterred and made once again sure that the BAC domain was litter-free! 
